IRB 5500 - 22 Robotic Welding Arm Full Layer Palletizing For Exterior Painting
Product Description
Industrial Spraying Robot IRB 5500-22
FlexPainter - A new way of exterior painting.
New variants with IRB 5500-22 floor mounted and IRB 5500-23 clean-wall rail. The unique design and configuration of the wall mounted FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 has created the largest and most flexible robot working envelope for any paint robot.
It takes two FlexPainter IRB 5500-22s to handle jobs that up until now have required four paint robots. The results are lower cost, both initially and in the long run, faster installation, high uptime and reliability.
The FlexPainter IRB 5500-22 is specifically designed for ABB’s efficient FlexBell Cartridge System (CBS). The loss during color change is close to zero. It is the best solution for non-batch painting and multiple colors.
Faster return on investment
Improved reliability of a complete automation system
Increased flexibility for new processes and new vehicle models
Reduced size and environmetal impact of robotic paint booths
Reduced required booth length and width for a robotic paint system
Reduced air handling volumes for ventilation
Reduced emissions from booth exhausts
Reduced machine programming efforts, in time and personnel requirements