ATI Industrial Automation’s Axia80 Force/Torque Sensor is a high-performance, low-cost, six-axis sensor that offers the highest resolution, accuracy, and stiffness available to provide a sense of touch to your application.
Features and Benefits
The Axia80 has Ethernet communication with a fully integrated software interface for all Universal Robots models. All of the electronics are built into the transducer body enabling a reduction in footprint without sacrificing performance. This premium low-cost sensing option provides unmatched resolution, accuracy, and stiffness. The Axia80 is available as a package that includes a traceable calibration certificate and all interface plates and cables necessary to quickly connect the transducer to a Universal Robot.
Sensor Dimensions:
Height 24 mm
Diameter 82 mm
Sensor and Interface Plate Dimensions:
Height 25.4 mm
Diameter 85.09 mm
How does it work
The Axia80 measures six components of force and torque (Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz) using a monolithic instrumented transducer. The sensor communicates these measurements over Ethernet at a data rate of up to 8 kHz, and the accompanying URCap streams the force/torque data into the robot controller, providing an accurate and robust alternative to the default internal measurements.
The ATI URCap plugin enables an integrated communication interface between the ATI F/T sensor and the UR controller, providing programmers with easy access to the force/torque measurements collected at the robot TCP.
• Screw Driving
• Assembly
• Pick and Place
• Polishing
• Lab Analysis and Testing